Forum Discussion

LucilleRowland-'s avatar
Community Member
4 months ago

Change question slide from short answer to essay

I have developed a course using a large number of short answer questions. I have discovered that when entering text, pressing the enter key to start a new line or paragraph, activates the submit functionality and takes the user to the next slide. This is not the behaviour I want.

On investigation, I have discovered that this does not happen with an essay type question.

Is there a way of changing all my short answer questions to essay questions without having to re-create each question?

Hoping this can be done.




  • Hi Lucille,

    Thanks for reaching out! Converting short answer questions to essay questions is not supported. But you can press Shift+Enter to add line breaks to short-answer surveys when the fields are tall enough to allow multiple lines of text.

    If your text entry fields are tall enough, you can consider adding text instructions to your short-answer slides. You can instruct the learners to use Shift+Enter for line breaks and to set expectations when clicking the Enter key.

    Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have additional questions.