Forum Discussion
Character Shows from Base Layer to Layer
There is an issue (old one) of characters on the base layer showing through to a layer even when the images are turned off for the based layer.
The issue seems to be if I have the expression change with mouse over then that character stills show through to the layer. The character Jamal should change character but does not and he shows through the layer.
See attached slide.
- RichardWatsonSuper Hero
Interesting. It appears to be connected to the "restore previous state when the user hovers out" setting of the trigger. If you turn that off, it seems to work as expected. Might be worth reporting to Support.
A quick fix in the meantime would be to place a white rectangle at the bottom of each layer.
- JeffreyRiley-9eCommunity Member
Richard, thanks for the reply. I had not tried to turn off the restore previous state so I will look at that.
This is a very old problem so I was hoping it had been corrected. I used to use the rectangle to cover the layer and can do that again but it is a work around. I will report to support.
- JeffreyRiley-9eCommunity Member
How do I make this a support issue? I am on the support page but do not see a place to create a new ticket.
- RichardWatsonSuper Hero
Try this link:
If the link above doesn't work, hopefully one of the Community Managers will drop by and assist. I don't work for Articulate, just help people here on the forums when I can.
- MariaCSStaff
Hi, Jeffrey.
Thank you for sharing your .story file! I went ahead and opened a support case on your behalf, so you should hear from our team soon via e-mail.
Thank you, Richard, for helping out as well!
- RichardWatsonSuper Hero
You are welcome Maria. Thanks for the assist.
- JeffreyRiley-9eCommunity Member
Thank you Richard and Maria for the help. In working on this, there may have been an error in the file itself. I was having other problems with the same slide in my project. It will be interesting to see if this is something that can be solved or is a one time problem.
Once in a while the best solution is to delete a slide and start over.
- RichardWatsonSuper Hero
Let us know how this turns out. I've seen situations before where the states on an object got corrupted. The solution was to recreate them. Life is a mystery!
- JeffreyRiley-9eCommunity Member
Richard you are exactly right. I have had many times when an object would not work and I just had to delete it and try again. From what I know, the problems can be that the code was stored on a bad disk sector and the code just did not take. Anyway, thanks for you help and I appreciate Maria and others looking into it.
Odd thing was I had an issue on another slide with the crop not working. I could click the crop icon, but it would not show the black bars on the handles. I just deleted the slide and started over and that worked.