Forum Discussion

AnamariaMunt891's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Color shifts between Adobe and Articulate applications


I have looked for information concerning the color settings for the Articulate suite but without any luck.

Could you help me understand why there are color shifts on projects imported in Articulate Storyline from Adobe ? Say a specific background color doesn't look the same in Storyline as it does in After Effects.

In Adobe, for RGB, we can have other working spaces than sRGB .

Thank you,


  • Hi Anamaria!

    I'm happy to help! It sounds like the color is changing only when importing content built-in After Effects to Storyline 360. I haven't seen similar reports, so I'd love to investigate what might be getting in the way. Is there any way you can provide a screen recording or screenshots of the difference between the content before and after importing?

  • Hello,

    I'm creating content in After Effects for a team member who is using the videos in Storyline 360 courses, and I have a similar query regarding colour space/colour profiles.

    Please could you let me know which colour profile Storyline requires videos to be in, and what colour profile it compresses it's videos to?  SRGB is pretty standard for the web, so I imagine Storyline prefers this, but it would be good to get confirmation, and if other options (like P3) are supported?

