Forum Discussion

TeresaVanderpos's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

comma's replacing letters or appearing under letters - from January 26th 2023 - Build 3.72.29699.0

HI there, anyone having publishing to review issues on the January 26th update.?  Storyline to Review? I updated this morning (Feb 3rd), and I have a comma replacing an apostrophe, it replaces the letters "fi" and it is underneath a capital "i" etc...I have republished twice and still the same.  Showing some screenshots, my review link and my source file.  

Hope we can figure out if easy bug to fix.  In the old days we used to have issues with the letter "I" in Internet explorer, so we just never use it anymore and only launch in Chrome.

I put it under Storyline, but it may be a Review problem, as my source file looks fine.  It is when published to Review that it doesn't look right.

  • Hi Jurgen, thanks, I didn't know a font update would happen with Articulate.

    And the timing fits.  Should Storyline not have auto updated it?  Could you tell me what I may need to do in order to ensure it is updated?  I can't send this out in my review link to SME's looking like this.

    Appreciate the quick reply.

  • Okay thanks will try this, but again, I have never had to do this before, will anyone who uses Articulate that uses Open Sans need to do this?  Seems odd...

    Sorry, I downloaded as you mentioned, but I have them now in a folder, but do I have to put them in a specific folder or do I have to do something within articulate?  I can't imagine we all have to do this do we?  

    Appreciate your help, but if a staff from articulate can explain why this is happening and why I have to do this, that would be great too :)


  • UPDATE:  So I republished just now and the issue has disappeared but I DID NOT download the fonts as I wasn't sure where to put them.


    • Jürgen_Schoene_'s avatar
      Community Member

      is the faulty version still available on review 360?

      it would be interesting to see inside the published version - i have written myself some programs with which I can analyze such errors

    • TeresaVanderpos's avatar
      Community Member

      Our organization always has the latest version of Chrome.  Not sure how often Chrome updates - but looks like last update was Nov 22, 2022, so that would not have been it.

  • Oh that is too bad, no I published over top of it.  But if it happens again I will keep you in mind :)

    • Jürgen_Schoene_'s avatar
      Community Member

      if you did not delete the old version complete - it should be available

      there are multiple versions in review 360 -> click button "Current Version"

  • very interesting is the version history
    - v1: 2023-02-01T20:18:45Z - with Storyline 3.71 + Open Sans V1.1 - without errors
    - v2: 2023-02-03T18:44:44Z - with Storyline 3.72 + Open Sans V3.0 - with errors
    - v3: 2023-02-03T21:11:05Z - with Storyline 3.72 + Open Sans V3.0 - with errors
    - v4: 2023-02-06T16:29:47Z - with Storyline 3.72 + Open Sans V3.0 - without errors

    the generated web fonts looks normal for all versions

    if you publish to web, storyline calculates the x, y coordinates for each letter in the text block - it seems that this did not work correctly for you right after the update

    but what has solved the problem ???

    is it possible that the computer was not restarted after the update (normally this is not necessary)?