Forum Discussion

RosaMontgomery's avatar
Community Member
4 months ago

Completion Checkmarks in Rise

I have created a course in Rise which has completion circles next to each section.  Each time a module is completed you would see a checkmark in the circle.  The concern that has been brought to our attention is when you leave the course and go back in all the checkmarks are gone.  I am new to Articulate so hoping someone can help me out.  Thanks

  • KarlMuller's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Rosa,

    How are you making your coursed available to your audience?

    You need to use your Rise courses within a LMS/LRS environment to save student progress and their current position in the course.

  • Thank you for your response we do not have an LMS/LRS we are just putting the course on a server and providing a link.


    • KarlMuller's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Rosa,

      In that case students will restart from the beginning every time they access the course.