Forum Discussion

VictoriaSubl967's avatar
Community Member
7 months ago

Consistent character roles in scenarios

I have searched on Google and Google scholar and AI and am having no luck finding actual research on the topic, so I am hoping you bright people can help me.

To me, it is common sense that you'd want to use the same character role for each character (the doctor character is always the same woman/man in every doctor-patient scenario) as it would lessen your cognitive load a bit, knowing automatically who that character is and how they generally respond, so you can focus on the actual question.

Do any of you know of research that supports this idea that character roles should be consistent? Or, if you don't agree and feel that characters should be random, do you have research for that?

Thank you in advance,


  • KrisJunkins's avatar
    Community Member

    Yes! :-) There is theory around that concept. Specifically, the cognitive theory of multimedia learning (CTML). It is more specific, but based on the cognitive load theory (CLT). You are on the right track with your thinking.

    • VictoriaSubl967's avatar
      Community Member

      Oh wow! Thank you so much @Kris! Now that I have a name (Cognitive Load Theory) I can go crazy on Google Scholar. 

      You are amazing! Thank you so much for your help!

      • KrisJunkins's avatar
        Community Member

        No problem.  Both theories (CTML & CLT) should have empirical evidence for you to research. Good luck!

  • I've not read any specific research related to using the same character, but I'd agree that in general you have two core principles:

    • Cognitive load: using the same character means you're not having to explain the character
    • CRAP: in graphic design there's the common CRAP acronym where the R is repetition which you're doing in the sense that the scenario is established and you're repeating the process 
    • VictoriaSubl967's avatar
      Community Member

      CRAP - LOL! I will look that up.

      You are fabulous, Tom! I appreciate your help. :-)

      Thank you so much.