Forum Discussion

AlexT-12338349-'s avatar
Community Member
2 months ago

Control buttons and timeline are inactive in Storyline 360 player

Hello, I have the issue with contol buttons and timeline been inactive sometimes. In my video all the layers are set to dialog, as interactive elements in the video I have only buttons which have the trigger to jump to the cue points if they were clicked or to continue the timeline. Also I have a little trick to make the timeline stop when the video is clicked (to sync the video and timeline stopping), I checked the preview without this stuff, and the issue is still here. I had the bug earlier with buttons, when the wrong button appears after the choice (I solved it by setting the true/false variable, which shows the layers only if the state of variable is false)

I notices that the issue starts in 2 situations:
- I click on random moment at timeline

- With buttons which have the action Jump to cue point (only when it jumps forward to the cue point I want, if it jumps backbard - the issue doesn't appear), and when there is the next choice with button which continues the timeline, the control buttons and the timeline become active again.

If control buttons and the timeline become inactive, and i restart the video in the preview mode, buttons are still inactive, and they become active only after the clicking the button which continues the timeline.

If I watch the video in preview mode without clicking on timeline (from beginning to the end), the issue in the player is only With buttons which have the action Jump to cue point.

Here are the screenshots with the trick I described to sync the timeline and video stopping, the triggers I have on layers and the base video and inactive buttons in preview mode.

The only way I see now to prevent this issue as much as possible - to make the timeline in the preview only in reading mode, so even is the timeline is inactive sometimes it is not such noticable, because people won't have opportunity to choose the moment to watch (but I don't want this, it's not user friendly)

Maybe somebody knows how to solve this issue, thank you in advance.

  • Hi Alex!

    Sorry to hear you've run into issues with Timeline Que Points from your Storyline course!

    It would be easier to troubleshoot this behavior if we could see the .story file that's giving you trouble. If you're comfortable sharing, please upload a copy here in the discussion or privately through a support case.

    Looking forward to hearing from you!

    • EricSantos's avatar

      Hello Alex,

      Thank you for sharing that video and the Storyline project file in a support case! I see that you worked with my colleague Ian, who helped identify that the behavior you experienced was a bug in the product. 

      Our product team is already aware of the issue, and we'll let you know if there are any updates via the support case.

  • Hi everyone, Storyline stuff noted my issue and will try to solve it. And they adviced me the solution of this problem:

    As a workaround, you can set all of your layers' properties to be Present as "Layer", and then also pause the timeline on the base layer. For the background effect, insert a rectangle with the color of your choice and set its transparency as desired. Here's a screencast of that workaround -

    I set up all the checks and "Allow seeking - No" as it was in the Dialog.

    Now everything works correctly, thanks!

    Hope somebody will find it useful as me