Forum Discussion
Honestly, I have so much feedback on improving Rise, but most of it is just simple functionality enhancements and UI changes in the "Edit" mode. Some of the common issues I have:
- Navigating to block templates is too tedious: When accessing the block template's menu, I'm tired of seeing my co-workers blocks that they accidentally shared with everyone. I would rather the menu go directly to MY templates first (or offer the option). It would also be nice to have a "brand" templates section for official company templates. Also, the block templates have like a 25% chance of actually capturing the image of the block, otherwise, it's thumbnail is always blank.
- I would LOVE the option to pin the blocks menu to the screen, as it gets really old opening the menu, navigating through the options, click one block, menu goes away. Repeat for all blocks you want. A more productive approach would be to have the block's menu always visible and stop hiding it once you select an option. What if I want to add 6 new section block templates? Guess get to do that process 6 times! That gets old quick lol
- Editing functions: The pop-up text editing menu you see when clicking on any text (i.e., the menu that lets you align text, bold, italics, etc.) is awful. It is almost always blocked by something, it doesn't offer many options, I can't save colors to reuse (I'm constantly typing in hex codes), etc. Camtasia is a great example of menus that stay in place, but the content in the menu is dynamic.
I could go on, but I know this isn't the place for I signed up for the UI feedback testing groups lol.