Forum Discussion
Countdown timer for Storyline 360 - not in results slide
Thanks Hilary. I use T/F variables all the time so this was a good practice to use a different type. The number you enter becomes the variable value. I had originally created the exercise with the default variable time set at five minutes, but then decided to push myself (now if I were Michael Hinze I would have used a slider dial hooked to moveable clock hands . . . WAAAAAY out of my league, but I love to see his stuff anyway!).
The timer is on a layer and I just set it to start immediately on entering the layer (clicking the start button). That made the "Jump to time" trigger easy to keep straight.
To me, one of the best thing about Storyline is that there are so many ways you can create things. And one of the best things about this forum is that people are so willing to share their variations. I keep a whole file of these examples. Matt's timer from the start of this thread was already in there, so I knew about the hidden object moving on a motion path, but now I'm going to have to go back to one of my other examples I downloaded and try to remember why the creator used half-second Loop in and Loop out layers to get the one second time. It's another of those "Sorry dear - I had to work late on a really important project!" nights!