Forum Discussion

TeresaVanderpos's avatar
Community Member
26 days ago

cover image in RISE not showing over my table of contents

Hi everyone,

I feel like I am having a brain fart LOL!  All of my courses when I press Start and the Table of contents (TOC) appears on the left, my cover image and title of course is above it literally for all of my modules.

For some reason in my current module I cannot see the image and I feel like I went into every setting.

I am sure it is the simplest thing I have missed but can't figure it out.

I have attached images of the one i am struggling with and 2 images of what normally happens. I have gone into my other modules for settings and I don't see anything different.

Hope for some one you can figure out easily what I have just totally forgotten LOL



  • I tried to delete this, I forgot i had to go in one more layer on the navigation sidebar option.

  • I tried to delete this, I forgot i had to go in one more layer on the navigation sidebar option.