Forum Discussion

OwenHolt's avatar
Super Hero
11 years ago

Create a Course Certificate in StoryLine! (with Java and HTML)

I noticed in Stephanie Harnett's most excellent post on user notes that can be printed or emailed that much of the java for the printing function was really just filling the print window with content by using html. I thought to myself, why not use this same method for creating a course certificate. So I did just that following the steps below:

1) Design a rough draft in PowerPoint (so I could see what elements I would want on the page and determine or create any graphics I would need.

2) Create graphics and publish them to the web. You will need to reference them using a full URL.

3) Create an HTML based certificate using your favorite html editor. Tables work really well. I discovered this on my 3rd try to get this right. (More on that later.)

4) In StoryLine, create a trigger to execute JavaScript

5) Use the JavaScript to create your print window contents by adding the lines of your html together (see screenr)

Publish and test.

Below is a copy of the certificate created by StoryLine. The blue text represents variables pulled form the course: