Forum Discussion

CrystalBrown-1f's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Delay an Interaction

Hello, is there a way to prevent a learner from doing an interaction until I want them to? For example, I would like the learner to only be able to start an interaction after the narration completes. Is this possible?

1 Reply

  • Hello!  This is something that I do often in my elearnings that have audio.

    Here is what I do:

    • Create an interaction, in this example a button that opens a layer, and set its default state to “Disabled.”
    • In this example I changed the “Disabled” state of the button to grey so it would be obvious when it changed to normal. But this is not mandatory.
    • Create a trigger that changes the state of the button to “Normal” “When Media Completes” and select the TTS as the media.

    I hope this helps.