Forum Discussion
Delaying item drop states in a Drag & Drop interaction
My interaction consists of 9 rectangle items that each will be dropped on 1 of 2 drop targets. Each rectangle has 3 states: Normal, Drop Correct, and Drop Incorrect. Everything works great when I leave the 'Delay item drop states until interaction is submitted' check box UNCHECKED. However, I would like to delay the state change until the interaction is submitted, but when I check that box, the states no longer change when submit is clicked.
Is there more to this? Do I need to add triggers to make this work properly? It seems like it should be so simple!
- RyanPrattaCommunity Member
I'm having an issue with the Delay item drop states until interaction is submitted too, but this is in SL2. Even though the box is checked it isn't working. I've tried several ways:First, I tried to do it without a trigger
Second, I tried to do it with triggers, but now x appears before the user clicks submit
Hi Ryan,
Would you mind sharing your file here so I can take a closer look at your set-up and do some testing on my end? You can use the Add Attachment button at the bottom of the reply window. Or if you would prefer to send your file to us privately, so you can do so by way of this form.
- JackieSmith-8c4Community Member
I am experiencing the same thing:
- I am using a custom submit button
- I leave the 'Delay item drop states until interaction is submitted' check box unchecked
- On submitting the states do not change
As a test I tried checking the 'Delay item drop states until interaction is submitted' check box. The states do then change on drag/drop.
I am really hoping there is a soluton to this as I have spent about 12 hours creating my project so far and this is an essential part of the client's brief (and they don't want to use the built in player. It has to be custom).
Thanks in advance.
- JackieSmith-8c4Community Member
There seems to be some suggestion from others that - as an alternative to the 'Delay item drop states until interaction is submitted' funticonality - changing the states of the drag items could be done using triggers.
I'm struggling to work out how to do this. Below seems the right way to me, but I need the "Condition" below to be (in my words, not Storyline's) "if drag 5 has been dropped incorrectly". How might I do that? Thank you.
Hi Jackie,
When using custom triggers or drop/drag states on your interaction, that will override the built-in drag and drop options. If you're required to use this custom state it would also be good to share a copy of your .story file so that folks in the community can take a look at the setup and offer advice on that!
- JacquelineSilvaCommunity Member
Hi Ashley.
I'm attempting to use the delay feature (no extra triggers), but after clicking submit and them attempting to view the answers by clicking review from the results slide, no incorrect states are showing.I have validated that the correct/incorrect states work by unchecking that option in the drag and drop menu. Any word on a fix?
Hi Jacqueline!
I'm happy to step in!
In order for this setting to work properly, you'll want these two interactions:
- a Drop Incorrect state for each answer choice
- a Submit Interaction trigger
I've recorded a short screen recording to show you what this looks like on my end!
If you've added these settings and are still seeing the snag, we'll want to bring in our Support Engineers for further troubleshooting. You can share your file with them by using this link.
- JacquelineSilvaCommunity Member
Hi Lauren,
Thanks for your response! I cannot share my file at this time, but your team may find this interesting...
Yes, I have the states set properly. My Correct and Normal states are identical. My Incorrect states go red.
For this quiz, I removed the correct/incorrect slide layers opting to go straight to the Results slide. On clicking Review, the incorrect states did not show, although the dropped items were in their dropped locations.
As an experiment, I added the question slide layers back. The incorrect states then DID show on the incorrect slide layer before going on to the Results slide. From the Results slide, when clicking Review, the states reverted (no incorrect states showed), but still showed in their dropped locations.
FYI, I tried setting the quiz slide to Resume Saved State to see if that mattered. It didn't.
- RenGomezStaff
Hi Jacqueline,
Thanks for the follow-up and letting us know what you were running into. I did a test of a Freeform Drag & Drop and wanted to confirm that I experienced some similar results:
Feedback set to None: The Correct/Incorrect drop states do not show when clicking Review Quiz.
Feedback set by Question: The Correct/Incorrect drop states show when receiving feedback, as well as when the user clicks Review Quiz on results slide.
After testing both these scenarios, I believe the Drop Correct/Drop Incorrect states are tied to whether you have any Feedback set. I also tested this in Storyline 3, and I came across the same result.
Please note that I used the built-in states for Drop Correct/Drop Incorrect, and not a custom-built state as it wouldn't have the functionality tied into the question. Here's the file in case you wanted to take a look. I'm sorry there's not an easy way to have the drop states without feedback, but I hope this clarifies how the question works!
- CharlesMcQuilleCommunity Member
I am having a similar issue with my delayed drag and drop states.
- When I use the player’s submit trigger it works perfectly, but I would like a more intuitive customized submit button.
- When I deactivate the 'Delay item drop states until interaction is submitted' check box the drop states work. But I would like to delay feedback.
- The Problem: When I use a customized submit button the drop states are not triggered, but the interaction is.
In other files I have made this work correctly with text boxes. In this one I used images. In order to make the images “tile” with desired spacing I grouped them with blank frames (boxes). I wondered if this grouping caused the problem. But why does it work with the player submit trigger? If the grouping is the problem can you suggest a way to cushion the images with desired spacing? I attached the file. Love the sharing and learning in this community.