Hi there
I too would find a feature where you are able to delete a specific version from review really useful. Not sure how to comment on feature request (or if it is possible?) so adding the comment here.
Example of a scenario where this is useful - I just published a new version of a Storyline file to review after a team member had worked on it and realised a few minutes later dropbox had not synched, so the version I published was incorrect. I need to keep the trail of previous versions (as there are specific checks and changes on each) and new versions in the same Review file, though would have liked to delete the incorrectly published version as it is redundant and may cause confusion down the line.
In the meantime (perhaps for a different thread), if you have any suggestions of a better way of working on SL projects with a remote team, without using dropbox (we are experiencing numerous sync issues with no solution from dropbox after months of enquiry) that would be really great as it may prevent issues like the above in future. I have the feeling I may be missing something obvious I'm missing in the workings of team slides!