Forum Discussion

GaryKeogh-e2945's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Development File Check in/Check out software

What file management software do people use to check in / out their development files (.story, psd, etc)  from your server.

All our developers work remotely and connect, via VPN, to our windows development server located in one of our offices. Everyone downloads all the files needed for a project and ideally uploads everything at the end of each day. I'm looking for software that integrates with windows to allow people to check out development files (.story, psd, audio, video, etc) from the server, and checks them back in when finished. Ideally I want to see, in windows explorer, who has checked out what files, version etc or if everthing has been checked back in.  I have found software called "document locator"  (see screenshot) but dont know anyone else using it. Does anyone use similar software, or does anyone else have experience with Document Locator?

  • For most files that will work fine...not .story however as its an all in one package that those tools.. .git eg. cannot manage. I tried by unzipping a .story ( as its nothing more then a bunch of files zipped ) but it fails quick.

  • Thanks Math, thats a pity. I had looked into Git but ran into the same problem you mentioned that it doesnt handle the larger files too well. Are you using the latest version of Document Locator?

  • JoeFrancis's avatar
    Community Member

    I had a lot of success with Box. While not a Windows server solution (it's cloud-based), it is an alternative which organizations worldwide have been using for quite a while.

    I have one file title, and each time I save from Storyline, PowerPoint. Quizmaker, Word, PhotoShop, etc., to the local Box folder, it updates and versions the cloud file automatically in the background. At any time, I can go to the cloud file, view the complete version history, and if necessary, make a previous version the current version. It then updates the local copy of the file to, syncing it to the cloud. This applies whether I am the only subscriber, or one member of a team of subscribers.

    WIth each file save/commit, the user, time, and date are recorded. A comments field is available in the web interface for the user to document changes he/she made for that version. So I can see who accessed the file and when, and if they practice good change management, what was documented for that update.