Disabled, visited, and layers
My base layer has 11 objects that when you click on 1, it takes you to the corresponding layer. But because my layers are set up to show the base layer, these objects also are "active" in the layer.
I don't want the user to be able to click on any of the other object while in the active layer until the layer timeline is completed. If I were to Disable the objects that I do not want the user to click on, I need to set a trigger to make the objects Disabled when the timeline starts and another to Normal when the timeline completes. The problem is, if someone had already clicked on say object 9, it resets that object from Visited to Normal.
Is there a trigger variable that I can Disable the objects, but once the layer timeline is completed, show already Visited objects as Visited instead of resetting them to Normal?
Attached is a crude example.