Forum Discussion

IrshaadAlha-22f's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Docebo or alternative?

I've seen several discussions on Docebo and other LMS platforms. Has anyone moved to or even switched from Docebo recently? How has your experience been with the Docebo platform? They seem to offer a suite of integrations and built-in capabilities. Is the platform stable and reliable? 

How is the SCORM engine and package handling? How about customer support and response to resolving technical challenges? Are there other up-and-coming platforms worth considering? 


  • Hi Paul,

    Thanks for posting the question! If anyone has an LMS that they absolutely LOVE, I'd like to hear about it. 

    We went live with Docebo in April 2021. Many pros and cons. Overall I would not recommend right now, and acknowledge that Docebo (who is growing, and as such, experiencing growing pains) is working to implement and improve systems and processes overall.


    • Our learner audience (internal) loves the look and feel of the system. We moved from SAP Litmos to Docebo and the ease of navigating to a course, searching in a catalog, filtering, and using the course player are all wins.
    • It's a generally clean UI, and the ability to configure your home dashboards using the widgets is nice.
    • Support time to acknowledge an issue is fast, and we haven't experienced any issues with using the chat.


    • Core system stability. Features that should just WORK consistently do not. This includes things like notification triggering, instructor-access to launch courses from their Outlook calendar; most recently the system not capturing learner completion status on a Rise-created SCORM 1.2 module with quiz scoring.
    • As mentioned in another post, we often have to take extra pains to PROVE that issues are issues in order to get support to take them seriously. So while the reply/acknowledgement of an issue is fast, the triage and addressing of the issue is not. Docebo acknowledges that they need to increase the volume of support staff and are working towards this, but for us the timing is not fast enough.
    • Implementation. The expectations of implementation support did not meet reality. We're a structurally complex organization with strong project + task management backgrounds, and we were astounded at how little support and strategic guidance we received. Couple that with the number of issues we uncovered going into the go-live and now that we're live, and we're spending over double the time we allocated for our system admin to be addressing issues and testing (which is something a vendor so thoroughly do before releasing a feature).
    • 3rd party content provider. Docebo partners with Go1, and while it seems like a great option (over 73K titles from dozens of different content providers), Go1 has been nothing but problematic. There's high latency on the courses (many of which we sourced for our core compliance requirements), issues with module completion status tracking, issues with testing processes (Go1 says something is fixed...we go's not only not fixed, but multiple other items are broken), and UI confusion for learners based on how some modules render (some of them have two "x" in the top corner, and to exit as a learner you don't know which one to click.)

    I believe Docebo has the potential to be outstanding (it's why we bought it, and admittedly, the issues we're seeing now were not issues when we did our testing in July 2020). I'm hopeful that in working with our CXM and their leadership team that we get clear timelines and actions for resolution. That said, if we could have seen into this future I can't say I would make the same decisions to purchase again.

    The challenge to this is that I don't know who else we would have gone with. Cornerstone's UI (learner and admin) feel antiquated. We left SAP Litmos because the support and functionality didn't meet our needs (though in looking back I had no idea how stabile their platform was comparatively). 

  • Hi Katie,

    Thanks for sharing. This is insightful. Hoping others can share their experience and recommendations as well. 
