Forum Discussion

JovalOlita-19e9's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Storyline Block - Alternate Close/Exit Button

Hi everyone,

Is there a way to have an alternative close/exit button when using storyline block on Rise? What I am planning to do is to create a more visible 'X' button or exit button (if that is possible) so that learners can just press this button when on storyline block (mobile phone mode) instead of the player X button which is not very visible.

Thank you.

  • Hi Joval and Nicole,

    I have some great news to share!✨

    We have released a new update for Storyline 360 (Build 3.78.30680.0). An enhancement that's included in this update:

    •  Storyline blocks in Rise 360 courses now display full-screen on mobile devices when player controls are turned off.

    To take full advantage of this feature, please update Storyline 360 to the latest version.

    If you have any questions, please let us know and we'll be happy to help! You can reach out here or privately in a support case.

  • TahliLake's avatar
    Community Member

    Thank you for the quick reply, Jose. 

    Yes, i am aware of this update - thank you for the info tho. I like that the full screen enhancement now means that learners can see the cross more easily. 

    What I find really challenging is, for usability, we add instructions to all interactions to make the experience better for our learners. In this instance, we have to add an instruction to "scroll to continue (if on a computer or tablet)" then additional instructions to "select the X in the top right corner (if on mobile)". It's very clunky. 

    What i would ideally like to create is a continue button in the Storyline block, that looks just like the continue button in Rise. This button would replace the X, so it would need a trigger that closes the block (which i understand is not an option at present). Then users on mobile could select that to close the storyline block and users on computer/tablet press a continue button just like normal. 

    Thanks again for your reply - it's greatly appreciated! 

    Regards, Tahli

  • Hi Joval! It sounds like you may have published the Storyline content using the classic player. Can you please try switching to the modern player, and publish the content to Review 360 again? 

    Then reinsert the Storyline block into your Rise 360 course using the updated version.

    Please let me know if that helps to view the block properly on mobile.

  • Hello - I am having a similar problem to what Joval explained above. I have a storyline block embedded in a Rise course. On mobile in order to get to the continue button you must select the X to close the storyline activity. Unfortunately the X is partially covered by the hamburger menu. See image attached circled in blue. 

    Am I missing something? I published using the modern player. How would users even know that that X is related to the activity they are on as it is not even close to where the activity is taking place on their screen. 

    Any help or troubleshooting solutions would be incredibly appreciated! Thank you in advance.

    • AngeloCruz's avatar

      Hi Nicole! Thanks so much for letting us know about this issue. This has been logged as a possible software bug.

      Our engineering team has been engaged and will be working on the issue. At this point, a possible workaround would be to add a button or icon and create an exit course trigger in your Storyline file. This icon will appear within the Storyline player and will allow your users to exit the Storyline block.

      I’ll reach out again to you and let you know if we make changes to this behavior.

      • NicoleBrady-9af's avatar
        Community Member

        Hi again Angelo - I'm sorry to be reaching out again. But I have tried your suggestion of the exit trigger and it does not seem to be working. Just so I understand, you're suggesting to add a trigger as follow. 

        Exit course when user click "button". 

        And this should close the storyline block in Rise and allow users to continue to scroll? 

        Any suggestions because it is not working.

  • Hi Angelo, 

    Thanks so much for getting back to me so quickly. I'm just wondering why the mobile version needs a "close/exit" button at all. Why is this functionality different than when using the desktop or tablet version. 

    I really love the functionality of embedding storyline blocks to Rise. I love how seamless they look. But with having to add an exit button takes away from that seamlessness and doesn't seem intuitive for the users. 

    I'm also just thinking through your suggestion of adding an exit course trigger using a button or icon. Unfortunately those would be included in the desktop and table version of the Rise course as well. Which would see out of place because there aren't needed, again making the functionality not intuitive for users. 

    • AngeloCruz's avatar

      Hello Nicole!

      We appreciate your feedback regarding the mobile version. The close/exit button is but a workaround due to a possible software bug causing the "X" button of the Storyline block to be less visible in the mobile version, making it less intuitive for users. Our engineers have been notified and are investigating the issue.

      Thanks again for bringing this to our attention and we will definitely let you know when a more seamless and intuitive version is released. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

  • Hi Joval and Nicole,

    I have some great news to share!✨

    We have released a new update for Storyline 360 (Build 3.78.30680.0). An enhancement that's included in this update:

    •  Storyline blocks in Rise 360 courses now display full-screen on mobile devices when player controls are turned off.

    To take full advantage of this feature, please update Storyline 360 to the latest version.

    If you have any questions, please let us know and we'll be happy to help! You can reach out here or privately in a support case.

  • TahliLake's avatar
    Community Member


    I’m writing with the same concern / feedback as Nicole and Joval. The user experience when viewing a Rise course with Storyline blocks on mobile is causing complaints and frustration from our learners. 

    Learners are not aware they are required to press a grey X at the top of the screen once the Storyline block is complete. It is not intuative. And we cannot add instructions to “click the X” as it’s not there for desktop learners. 

    Even worse, the X can end up under the hamburger menu, like in the photo shared (content has been covered for privacy reasons). 

    I’m really hoping there’s a fix coming soon? 

    Love storyline and rise, but this is letting us down!

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hi Tahli Lake,

      Thanks for reaching out! 

      We released an enhancement in Storyline 360 Update 78 where Storyline blocks in Rise 360 courses now display full-screen on mobile devices when player controls are turned off.

      Can I ask if you've tried turning off the player controls in your Storyline 360 course before embedding it in Rise 360? Doing so should allow your course to go full screen, making the "X" button to close the block more visible. If this doesn't work for you, please open a case with our support team here so we can check your course to see how it looks like and what can be done to make the "X" more visible.

      • RebecaTella's avatar
        Community Member


        I am also having an issue with the x button, except the "X" disappears when I click the storyline block and it goes full screen mode. This of course happens only on mobile devices. The X does appear for a second, and then it vanishes (Adding a video for proof) is this a bug? and if it is, is there a fix coming soon?