Forum Discussion
FYI-Multiple Text Entry Fields With Limits And A Counter
This is FYI Only for those that need a solution to have multiple text entry fields on a single slide with a real-time counter. It was suggested that I started a new topic for this specific topic. Some of the details were copied from another thread and pasted below. It was very helpful to me!
Nedim Community Member to LesB
The code above will work regardless of whether there is one or more text entry fields. However, if you're facing issues and need further troubleshooting, it might be helpful to share your code file so someone can inspect it.
Nedim - Community Member
Find the attached .story file. Let me know if you need further assistance. I appreciate your offer to return the favor. I'm here simply to assist and contribute whenever I can. It would be great if you could recommend me or my work to others, as I’m often available for additional projects.