Forum Discussion

HillaryTownsend's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Drag and Drop Reset with Motion Paths - Items Disappearing on Try Again

Hey All, 

I've used drag-and-drops successfully including the motion path reset option Dave presented a ton of times but I can't figure out what is going on with this slide. 

I'm likely missing an obvious error, but I would love another set of eyes. 

Currently you drag the responses to one of the categories at the bottom. They are set to tile when dropped. If you get some wrong you are shown the try again layer. Each response has a 0 pt motion path which is triggered by a click of the try again layer button. Most of them return just fine, but others just plain disappear. 

From what I can tell there isn't a pattern to which reappear and which do not. 

I've remade the slide 3 times, but I just am not catching whatever error I'm causing. 

Thank you in advance!

  • They're not disappearing, my guess is that they are hiding under the Observations Container shape. I'd move that down the timeline as low as you can.

    Also, I am not sure why you chose to make the trigger to move when it is not drop correct rather than move when it is = to drop incorrect. I'd switch those triggers just so it is a bit more clear.


  • Thanks! The container was near the bottom lower than all the shapes, but apparently not low enough.

    It seems to be working now.

    I can't remember why I use the inverse, I feel like Dave suggested doing it that way in one of his videos but I could be mistaken on that front.

    Thanks again for your quick response!