Forum Discussion

DynacorLearning's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

drag drop excercise

Hi everyone,

I'm have trouble with this set up as the feedback isn't always accurate. I've tested so many possibilities with the trigger setup. This is a drag and drop, and a feedback pops up once you have 10 draggable items put into the box.

The following criteria is this:
1. There can be as many Workers, but it cannot be 10 in total, as there needs to be one Supervisor. basically you can have 5 to 9 workers
2. There can not be more than 5 supervisor, at minimal there can be 5 supervisor and 5 workers. but you can have 1 to 5 supervisors

Unfortunately, whenever I fix one thing, the other doesn't work. so I'm not sure what else to do about this. I've included an updated attachment.

Please help!

  • GarthYorko-TE's avatar
    Community Member

    The triggers on the Deciding Layer are the problem. I inactivated all but the first trigger then added the following triggers:

    • Show Great Job Layer when the timeline on this layer starts if Target Managers is less than or equal to 5 AND Target Workers is greater than or equal to 5
    • Show Tray again layer when the timeline starts if Target Managers is greater than 5 and target works is less than 5

    See attached

  • Thank you for the help. I tested it, and choosing 10 workers is suppose to give me Try Again, but it's still giving me Great Job instead. 

  • GarthYorko-TE's avatar
    Community Member

    I further simplified the triggers on the deciding page, the number of managers selected is the primary driver of correct or incorrect.  For some reason the "Between" value is not working so I added an Equal to value (1 through 5) and an Else statement.

    The other problem was on your base layer.  The order of triggers was causing the Target_Zone variable to update before the Worker or Manager variables.  I moved the Target_Zone variable trigger to be under each Worker and Manager variable trigger.

    I also added 2 triggers to the Try again layer to reset the Manager and Worker variables.

    It appears to be working correctly now. I included a text box showing the value of the variables to help troubleshoot.

    See attached.