Forum Discussion

LynnLim's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago




Is this 'ds-bootstrap.min.js' standard library file generated by storyline?

Thank you

  • Hi Lynn,

    Happy first post!

    You're right, the ds-bootstrap.min.js file is part of Storyline's published output.

    Background: In Storyline 360 Update 36 and Storyline 3 Update 10, we replaced app.min.js with these files:

    • ds-bootstrap.min.js
    • ds-frame.desktop.min.js
    • ds-slides.min.js

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    • LynnLim's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Kate,

      Would like to enquire, in this js file 'ds-bootstrap.min.js'. Our cyberteam software detected few vulnerability.

      Will there b security update for this file?


      Thank you.




    • LynnLim's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Katie,

      Is the team able to modify this file to correct de vulnerabilities.

      Or is advisable not to touch this js file, as it will result in de designed product not functioning?

      Thank you.



    • LynnLim's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Katie,

      Any respond from the team?

      Thank you 


  • LynnLim's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Katie,

    Any other question.

    Can this js file be modified and ended causing it not to wok?


    Thank you




  • I did change several parts in that file. And if you know what you are doing and keep the original somewhere at hand i do think you'r fine. Offcourse that specific file is only changed on your HD and any other designer/developer that uses Storyline has its own version...and thus not your edited one...thus the changes need to be managed somehow too.

    Upfront i thought that each iteration of Storyline, so any update Articulate does, those files get deleted and/or overwritten. That is not the case as i noticed on the last update. Im sure some elements of your local Storyline installation get overwritten but at least in the last update the ds.bootstrap.min.js file not... my published files still work without the 'Big Play Button On Mobiles', that part i changed in my file...

    • LynnLim's avatar
      Community Member

      So, on safer side. Is beta to stay as is.


      And let the software team do the update, else in case i break my product .

  • Hi Lynn, 

    It looks like you were able to contact our support team as well and you are working directly with Tyler, one of our Senior Technical Support Engineers.

  • WeeShenTan's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Leslie,

    One of my clients also did the vulnerability test and found several vulnerabilities with the ds.bootstrap.min.js file.

    Can you put me in touch with the technical support? 

    • KatieRiggio's avatar

      Hi, Wee Shen!

      Thank you for reaching out about this — we'd love to dig in.

      An email from one of our Support Engineers should arrive in your inbox shortly. If you could share the published output along with the corresponding .STORY file using the upload link, that would help us greatly.

      As always, you can get fast help from our Support team through🔖

  • Hi all,

    The ParseCaption() in ds-bootstrap.min.js showing as DOM XSS in Fortinet is a false positive. The data being parsed comes from a captions file that we read without validating because Storyline creates the captions file and is, therefore, a trusted source.

    This source is inside the published output from Storyline; it is not actively pursuing a file outside of the Storyline content.

    If you have any questions please let me know!