Embedding SharePoint Docs in Articulate Rise Courses
I have previously embedded MS forms into Rise courses in Articulate. We initially had issues with a handful of people viewing the iFrame (they got a 'companyname.sharepoint.com could not connect' error) but this was resolved when we added 'https://forms.office.com' and the root URLs of the LMS and eLearning course launcher for the LMS to our 'Exceptions' list in MS Edge (our default browser) for our users.
Now however, I'm trying to embed a Document housed within a Document Library in a subsite of our internal company SharePoint into a Rise course.
Embed code as follows:
<iframe src="https://companyname.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/Department/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7B9fb5639f-3bc7-4d0d-85cf-b228cdac8e69%7D&action=view" width="90%" height="480px"></iframe>
This time everyone in testing gets the 'companyname.sharepoint.com could not connect' error. I've tried to add the root URL for the SharePoint document library to the Exceptions list in my Edge browser in case this was caused by the same issue as before, but this doesn't resolve it.
I have also tried simply pasting the document URL into the embed area but this shows a 'Sign in' link for Microsoft Online rather than displaying the document (our systems use SSO so users should never be required to login).
It's worth noting that in the SharePoint document options there is actually an 'Embed' option. That spits out the following code but when I try to enter this in Rise, I get an error in Rise Embed block saying 'Please enter a valid URL or iframe'.
Embed code from SharePoint:
<iframe src="https://companyname.sharepoint.com/sites/SiteName/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc={9fb5639f-3bc7-4d0d-85cf-b228cdac8e69}&action=embedview" width="476px" height="288px" frameborder="0">This is an embedded <a target="_blank" href="https://office.com">Microsoft Office</a> document, powered by <a target="_blank" href="https://office.com/webapps">Office</a>.</iframe>