Forum Discussion
Enable buttons when learner completes the module.
Hi team, in Articulate Storyline 360 e-learning, I want the learner to complete the module and then the next menu option (button) gets enabled. I want to make this work on 3.1 in Scene (3 key aspects of SAP MM data). I am new to variables and this is my first e-learning, however, I tried to create True/False variables for each button but it is not working the way I want. I would also like the other buttons to remain disabled and are enabled one by one when learner completes the content of the previous button. If the learners clicks the menu in the middle of the module then also other buttons should not be enabled, till the module is complete. Please support.
3 Replies
It looks like the file checks that buttons are Visited. That works well for a one-slide interaction. However, it's not good for a custom menu. A button automatically changes to Visited when it is clicked. So that only tracks that the button was clicked. It doesn't track that the associated content was viewed.
For a menu slide, it's better to use a custom state to indicate when a scene has been completed. Here's a quick explanation:
- Give each button a custom state to indicate completion. For example, call the state "Done." (Also be sure to remove the Visited state.)
- Create a T/F variable for each scene. Those should have a default value of False.
- On the last slide of each scene, add a trigger that changes the associated variable to True.
- On the menu slide, use triggers with conditions to change the state of the buttons based on the value of the variables. For example, you might do this:
- Change the scene-2 button to Done when the timeline starts if the scene-2 variable = True. (This will indicate the user has completed that scene.)
- Change the scene-3 button to Normal when the timeline starts if the scene-2 variable = True and the scene-3 button = False. (This will enable the button after the user completes scene 2, but before they complete scene 3.)
- Use similar triggers to enable other buttons and mark them as Done when appropriate.
Here are some related posts, which have demo files that might help:
- TIP: Create a Custom Menu Slide - Articulate Storyline Discussions - E-Learning Heroes
- TIP: Controlling the NEXT Button 101 - Articulate Storyline Discussions - E-Learning Heroes
t’s worth the effort to learn about variables and trigger conditions, because they provide the real power in Storyline. Here’s more info:
Thank you Judy for guidance. I think I will be able to create these triggers now.
Yes it works now. :) Thank you.