Forum Discussion

NickSoave-e5fcb's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Error showing a folder is coming up as read-only, being used by another process, etc. when publishing to SCORM

This is the error I am getting when trying to publish a build to a SCORM folder.

I need this to go LIVE. 

Why is this happening? I have published hundreds of courses over the years and this has never come up. Please help!

  • I had a similar problem. This has to do with the recent update, which includes no longer putting "- Storyline output" at the end of the folder name for the published course. However, that means that other characters in the title might interfere. 

    In my case, the project's title ended in three periods (...). When I removed those, publishing worked just fine.

    The folder name in the message is based on the title. It looks like yours has a space at the end. If so, remove it. (That was the problem in another example I saw.)

    • LizELearns's avatar
      Community Member

      Two years later and this just saved me from A TON of aggravation. Thank you, Judy! 

  • This was so helpful! That space at the end was the problem for me as well. I never would have gotten to that fix on my own.

  • THANK YOU to Judy and Jürgen!! This post is a lifesaver, still 4 months later.