Exit full screen functionality not working as intended in iPad's.
We've created a few storyline modules which contains videos in each course. When we click on the full screen button it enters the full screen mode as expected and when we click the button again it exits the full screen mode. This works fine with all browsers (Windows-PC/Mac/Android devices). But when we play the same courses on iPad devices, after clicking on the exit full screen button, it takes the user to top of the page and not to the exact location of the video.
Screencast link: https://app.screencast.com/owAYrhuNeHhIP?conversation=scPjCJW7x1tw3qiKbAYdxq
In the above link it works fine, after exiting the full screen mode, it loads the HTML page from the top and scrolls down to the location of the video automatically. But the same doesn't work on iPad devices.
Any workarounds for this?
Thank you!!