Forum Discussion

KimRushbrooke-9's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Exporting storyline 360 as a video file

Hi, I am asking the 'age old' question of; can I somehow remove the initial black frame that exists when I upload an exported storyline video format to RISE 360.

I have managed a workaround by converting the file to premier pro and removing the 'black screen' manually, but the file is bigger by doing it this way.  File size is an important factor in my work at the moment so I am focused on optimizing everything.  The export from SL is only 23.9Mb but the exported file from premier pro is over 140Mb, not ideal for this task.  Any suggestions if there are any for how I can manipulate this little annoying feature from within storyline 360. Otherwise I'll have to be content with the Premier Pro export.  Thanks awesome community, I learn a lot from you all. Regards Kim

5 Replies

  • Unfortunately, Rise doesn't currently allow custom poster frames. And the Storyline output for video has about 3 frames that show the black as it transitions into the slide content. 

    At this point, you'd have to edit it in a video editor. My assumption is that the video editor converts the video up to either a higher framerate or data rate. You can play around with the settings in Premiere.

    I looked at the properties of a Storyline video I created and it's 1920x1080 at 30 fps and 456kbps data rate.

    My guess is that you can run a lower FPS or data rate to make the file size smaller

  • Hello Kim,

    I'm glad to see that Tom is helping you out here! I'd also like to share that we are monitoring a feature request to allow Rise authors to customize thumbnails for videos. I know this will be helpful to you, so I've added your voice to the feature report. If this feature is implemented, you may be able to select a frame from the video itself or upload a custom image as the video thumbnail, doing away with the black frame.

    We'll let you know once this is available in Rise 360.

  • Thank you to both Tom and Eric. This has been a niggly thing for me since I started using rise back in 2018. Its not often I output to video and in hindsight I probably should have used Premier Pro to begin with but it was the 'ozmosis' affect - you know what I mean! That sliding door moment where you have a choice!  Its great news Eric about the future implementation to enhance the feature for this.  I shall be watching this space and be on the look out for the alerts.  Grateful to the amazing community we have.  Always helpful!

  • A couple of tips until the features are added:

    • If you know you want a video output, I'd probably use PowerPoint rather than Storyline which is really best as an interactive course tool. You can do quite a bit in PowerPoint and it all can be saved to .mp4
  • Thanks Tom.  My Go To is Premier Pro but has mentioned in my previous chat it was a choice at the time where I had originally created an interaction in SL and the clients wanted it to be just a video so users could select 'start' 'stop'. I know I could have programmed it in SL to do this, but it was easier to push it out as a video.  Appreciate all the tips so far. I will wait in anticipation for the feature to arrive in RISE 360. Cheers