Forum Discussion

PoojaDwivedi-4d's avatar
Community Member
4 months ago

Facing error publishing storyline courses


I am facing an issue in publishing my storyline files. It starts smoothly but then keeps showing the progress bar. I am not able to close the file and have to force shut my laptop.  

  • JoeFrancis's avatar
    Community Member

    Are you:

    1. Opening your Storyline file from a directory on a locally-attached drive (e.g., C:\ <userProfile>\Documents\My Articulate Projects\)?
    2. Publishing your Storyline file to a directory on a locally-attached drive?
  • Hello Pooja, and thank you, Joseph!

    If you're still unable to publish the file after trying Joseph's steps, can you share the .story file with us, either in this discussion or privately in a support case