Forum Discussion

MichaelHugue's avatar
Community Member
3 months ago

First time building a board game


I am currently developing a board game and need assistance with the movement mechanics. Specifically, I need the player's piece to stop at each dot on the board, where a question will then appear. The objective of the game is for players to reach the end of the board by correctly answering all the questions. If they answer incorrectly, they are sent back to the previous question.

I am having difficulty finding resources or tutorials that clearly explain how to implement this feature. The intention is for players to click "move," and have their piece advance to the next position, where a new question will be displayed. Could someone guide me through this process?

Thank you.

  • Part of what you may be looking for is moving an object along a motion path. If you create a player's shape or game piece, you can go to Animation and add a motion path. Then you can move the green circle to the beginning point of the path and the red circle to the end of the path. Then, you can add a trigger that moves the object along the motion path when an event happens, such as when a button is pressed.