Forum Discussion

MatthewFrancis's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Font and Colour themes global settings

As an developer of courses for many brands and languages, it would be great to be able to have more flexibility in applying brand guidelines to courses and have them be easily adaptable. Here are some thoughts:

  • Set 2-3 colours (as many brands incorporate at least 2 colours) for global theme and have these set as a seperate option on the colour pallet for easy selection rather than having to type in hex values whenever the brand colour is wanted in an element.
  • Set global font size and colour in theme so font size for headings / text etc. so can be changed across entire document with one click rather than every occurance. Allow overide global setting in standard properties box if required.
  • Allow to set an image or texture as background for text areas.
  • Thanks so much for that feedback, Matthew. It sounds like having greater control over the course theme would be beneficial to your team. If we add these options in the future, we'll reach out again to let you know!

    • MatthewFrancis's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi, thanks for your response.

      Is there any indication of it happening? I can see multiple threads relating to this over the last 2 years. There is a lot of need for many users on this from a customisation aspect. For us it may mean looking for an alternative solution that can cater for our needs so it would be nice to have a more definitive indication if Rise is ever going to provide some of this functionality.

  • Thanks, Matthew! I'll certainly advocate on behalf of your team. While I don't have any updates to share on this feature right now, we will send you an update if that changes!