Forum Discussion
Font issue
Hi...I have been working in a SL 360 file for a couple of months now and all of a sudden the BOLD version of Roboto Condensed is not working. I am using the latest version of SL. Why is this happening now? Roboto Condensed is a Google font. The Regular version of it works and looks fine but BOLD is not. Again this has been fine during building and testing for over two months.
- RussLickteigCommunity Member
I just restarted SL and now the font issue is gone. Was this a hiccup or should I be worried about this happening once I deliver a course package? I am getting "BOLD" Robot text in SL by choosing the Bold feature in SL vs choosing the Bold font. Is this ok?
Hi Russ,
Thanks for reaching out!
Roboto is one of the fonts that get installed with Storyline 360 so I tested the behavior using the built-in Roboto font, and it appears to be displaying in Bold correct on my end. It looks like its working properly for you as well, so you don't have to worry about the font not appearing properly when you publish your course - Storyline 360 will include this exact font in the published output so your course will appear exactly as you designed it to your learners.
- RussLickteigCommunity Member
Very good news! Thanks for responding Joe!!