Forum Discussion

GratiaMaloney's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Functions don't work in preview

Hi! I'm creating a training on storyline 360. I'm frustrated because I am following all of the steps I learned in the training videos and the previews aren't working. 

I'm trying to create multiple triggers within the same slide that each go to a different layer. When I preview, only two of my triggers work and the rest don't. If I start the preview over again the ones that hadn't worked before work now, but I can only click two triggers per preview.

I thought I was making a mistake, so instead of layers I switched to having the triggers go to completely new slides. However, when I preview this, it tells me that it can't complete that function in the preview. 

I'm wondering if this is a common error? I don't know if it is me or the system not working correctly. However, whenever I click on the icons that weren't working in the preview, the correct trigger is highlighted on the side. So each icon has a trigger, but they aren't doing them in the preview which has me worried I'm not doing it right. 

  • Louriann_N's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Gratia,

    This has happened to me before. Have you tried publishing to the web? Something that works for me is publishing to the web. It works for me most of the time. Hope that helps!

  • GratiaMaloney's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Louriann! Publishing it to the web helped some of the triggers to work but not all. I appreciate your help! Thank you. 

  • Functions that can’t be completed in preview include executing JavaScript, and jumping to slides that aren’t previewed. So if you only preview a single slide, a jump to slide trigger won’t work.

    Attach your .story file here, and someone can take a look at it and help you.

    • GratiaMaloney's avatar
      Community Member

      So I would need to download JavaScript in order for the settings to work? \

      How do I preview the entire thing and not just a single slide? 

      I'm attaching the link to what I have so far. Please let me know if it doesn't work. 

      Here is the link.

  • One other thing to keep in mind about triggers is that they work sequentially in order.
    A really simple example is... you might have 2 triggers.... 1 closing a SlideLayer ( lets call this tA), 1 changing a state of an element on that SlideLayer ( lets call this tB) ...

    This order will not work:
    running tA
    running tB

    And this order will work:
    running tB
    running tA

    Although your layer is closed, so you might not see it happening ;-)

  • If it is a JavaScript problem, JS runs only in the published version. You have to publish to the web to test it. :(

    The preview icon in the ribbon defaults to preview entire project, while its drop-down gives options. I’m partial to selecting two or three slides, then previewing Selected slides.

    Somehow, the link didn’t make it.

    • GratiaMaloney's avatar
      Community Member

      I published it earlier today to see if my triggers would work but they're still being unpredictable. 

      Darn. How do you suggest I attach my story file?

  • Hi Gratia!

    Sorry to hear you're still experiencing issues with the functionality of your triggers!

    If you are comfortable sharing your file publicly here in the discussion, you can do so by clicking on the Add Attachment button right at the bottom of the text box when replying:

    If you would prefer to share it privately, you also have that option by opening a support case and attaching it there:

    Please let me know if you have any more questions!


    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hi Gratia, 

      Thanks for sharing a copy of your project file. 

      Would you mind sharing a recording of how to replicate the issue you're experiencing so we'll know exactly how to modify your slide and layer settings to fix the issue? 

      Here's an observation that I made regarding your project file: 

      For the customer tab in Slide 1.6 as an example, it appears that you were trying to show the layer 'Customer', but instead you redirected the learner to slide 1.10, which shows the same exact content. You can try going through your triggers to review if you intended to show a 'layer' or if you actually meant to navigate the learners to another slide to make sure that everything is setup as intended. 

      Looking forward to your response!