Forum Discussion
Glossary in Rise 360
Has anyone found a way to create a glossary in Rise 360 that is easily and readily available for learners, as needed? This can be done in Storyline 360 by including it as a resource but I haven't figured out a workaround for Rise.
Any assistance is appreciated!!
- NatoshaGalle484Community Member
I created a glossary in InDesign and added it as an attachment (PDF) to be opened at the start of a lesson and can be kept open in a separate window. I'd prefer something even easier than that, but this seems to work.
- FionaOSullivanCommunity Member
All of the ideas in the video are not viable options. They need the learners to navigate to other lessons and then back to where they were. We need a proper glossary button at the top, next to the menu button, that allows us to open a popup dialogue without navigating away from the lesson.
It looks like this is a feature that many people are looking for. Is this going to be included on the Rise roadmap any time soon? Considering this thread is two years old, it should be a must for the product.
- UzmaSaeed-28815Community Member
Please can we have an in-built glossary :'(
It so seamless in Articulate.. But my trainings look clunky at the moment - while I am learning the ropes on Storyline I would still like to produce professional looking stuff. It would be great if we could click on the term, and it jumps to the Glossary - like you can do in PowerPoint.
- KatjaKleinCommunity Member
Hello, is there meanwhile the possibility to create a glossary in rise 360?
Hi Katja,
This is a feature that we have already requested from our Rise engineers. It's not in our roadmap yet, but I will update this thread if we hear more from our team about this feature.
In the meantime, have you checked the workarounds proposed by our community members in this thread? Here are a couple from William and Gerry.
- PatrickFinne459Community Member
I understand this is an old thread. I came here hoping that there were other answers, but it seems not yet. However, here's what I am doing right now.
Create a lesson called "Glossary" and place it at the end of the lesson menu, usually in a "Resources" section.
Create the glossary content with any Rise element or combination of elements you want. (List, Accordion, etc.)
Instead of adding the glossary itself to every lesson, add a link to it using the Button interactive element. I usually place the button at the top of each lesson, but some clients prefer the bottom, and you can also just place it at whatever points seem appropriate.
If you have more then one glossary or want to break the glossary up into sections, create more than one glossary "lesson" and instead of using a button, use a button stack.
The only issue this creates is getting back to the original location from where you clicked the Glossary button. Since there very limited conditional processing in Rise, there no great solution that I can see. The only possibility I can think of is to make more than one copy of the glossary for each Glossary button and add a "Return" button to the original lesson. Not perfect, I know, but it's something anyway.
Another author mentioned a concern with course completion if completion is based on % viewed. I've solved that issue in the past by adding a requirement that the learner at least visit the Glossary once. You can do this as a course walkthrough that demonstrates the interface and resources to make it seem more natural that a visit is required.
And of course, a button interaction is an interaction after all, so you can add one in the walkthrough and not let the learner proceed until they have taken a quick look at it using the conditional continue element.
Of course many more options are available if you create the glossary as a Storyline or Engage element.
Hope this helps. - KarynMurray-48cCommunity Member
Just to echo what others have said it would be great to have a glossary function which opens whilst not losing your place in the lesson.
Hi Karyn!
Thanks for sharing how this feature could benefit you when authoring in Rise 360!
I've included you in the feature report and will update this discussion as soon as we have news to share. If you'd like to stay up to date, you can bookmark our Feature Roadmap!
- KiahGuilfordCommunity Member
Hello! It's 2024 - has there been a solution for a glossary yet? Thank you!
- GeorgeTuft-b85bCommunity Member
First off, this is a HUGE miss in still not existing as a feature. EVERYONE would start using it immediately, and many happy people would raise a toast to Rise if it was simply ADDED TO THE TOOL (the manner in which you prioritize your roadmap and feature requests is still a mystery on the level of quantum entanglement, as far as I'm concerned).
Secondly, what I'm planning on doing for an upcoming course is to make the glossary as the FIRST lesson, and not make it required to view each individual term (I have 96 of them) in order to move on. And then each subsequent lesson I'll build as requiring completion before they can continue. This way, if a user jumps to the glossary (either via a link or a button) they are jumping BACKWARDS in the course, and then they can always return to their spot by simply moving ahead as far as the course allows, So, for example, if a learner is on lesson 5 of 9, and needs to see the definition of Quantum Entanglement, they can jump back to the first lesson, read the definition, and then use the left hand navigation to return to lesson 5, which is as far as the course will let them, as they haven't completed lessons 6-9.
Hope that helps someone!Hi George,
Thanks for reaching out about this feature. I've shared your comments with our developers so we'll update this thread with any changes!
- HillaryBlakemorCommunity Member
Im not loving the work around options has this been added to the roadmap yet?
- JimmyWebster-14Community Member
Also adding to the request - a glossary or resources hamburger menu at the top would be great, or at least a highlighted word that can be clicked or hovered for a pop up explanation (not sure if this would work from an accessibility viewpoint though)
- LukeMosse-9e864Community Member
I made a custom resources script that adds in Glossary, downloads and links as separate icons. I might share it somewhere. It populates it all from a JSON file.
- PatrickFinne459Community Member
I think many of us would love to have a link to that resource with instructions on how to implement it! If there's anything I can do to help make that happen, please let me know. I'd be happy to host it on AWS S2 for you.