Forum Discussion

microassist's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

graded question templates - question in body

Help - my client requires the answer options are grouped with the associated for accessibility. When I enter the question in the text field in the form view, the question appears as the title. If I reformat it, then I lose my header. I have tried to alter slide master and insert a custom slide, but I am not getting the placeholders right. Why is the question the title by default?  How can I template the question to be body text and not be the header?  Thank you for your time. 

  • Hello,

    Thanks for reaching out! 

    There isn't a way to include the question slide title in the body text, since both of these elements have their own assigned text boxes in the layout. 

    I’ll be happy to pass your thoughts on to our product team, but you can also feel free to detail them more through a feature request!

  • microassist's avatar
    Community Member

    So there is no way to keep the question and options grouped together (for accessibility requirements) and have a heading that isn't the question?  Two header text boxes would cause confusion?  Thank you for your help. 

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Yes, that is correct. The way question slides are currently structured in Storyline 360, the title text box and the choices text box are separated, and there isn't a way to combine the two. 

    • JudyNollet's avatar
      Super Hero

      Here's a suggestion:

      • Add another text-placeholder to the Question Master layout.
        • On the Master layout, be sure to move it to the bottom of the timeline (that is, under the Question Title and Question Choice placeholders). This order is important for the layout, because SL connects the top 2 items with Form View.
        • On each question slide, you can adjust the order as needed.
      • Enter the actual question in that extra placeholder. 
      • In the Question Title, enter something like "Question 1," "Question 2," etc.  (You could place this off the slide if you don't want to show it.) 
    • microassist's avatar
      Community Member

      This didn't work for me. Thank you for the suggestion. 

      • JoseTansengco's avatar


        Great question on accessibility! I opened a support case on your behalf so we can have our support engineers take a closer look at the behavior you reported. Someone will be in touch with you shortly! 

  • microassist's avatar
    Community Member

    I figured out the issue and wanted to check my understanding. When using a screen reader (JAWS), the learner tabs from slide to slide, but once on a slide, learner needs to use the up and down arrows to work through the content. On a review question (such as t/f, mc/ma), if a learner tabs through the slide content, it skips the question (title) and goes directly to the answer options (regardless of the focus order).  Is this the expected behavior or am I missing something?


  • microassist's avatar
    Community Member

    I ran a course through 508 testing, and this same issue was noted. thank you for improving the accessibility features!  can you raise this one again to the support engineers--see attachment?  thank you again--love storyline. 

    • StevenBenassi's avatar

      Hi Microassist Learning!

      Thanks for following up!

      It sounds like you had questions on how screen readers read slide content when reviewing a quiz slide in Storyline. I see that you've previously connected with my colleague Darrell, through a support case. As Darrell shared, it would be helpful to see a screen recording of the behavior you're experiencing. Do you mind sharing that here in the discussion? If you'd prefer to share that privately, please reply to the follow-up support e-mail that was just sent to your inbox!

      Looking forward to hearing from you!

  • microassist's avatar
    Community Member

    Thank you for the response. The 508 testing was done through a government agency. So I don't have a screen recording, only the image they sent me. The 508 tester's comment (see attached image) notes that the question object needs to be associated with form elements (e.g., radio buttons, check boxes) and not just in order (focus order with question first and options second). The way the question templates are currently (with the question text in the slide title placeholder), this requirement is not possible to meet. Having the question text in the slide title placeholder confusing me as well but that is another issue :). Thank you for following up but at this point, I don't know if you can help.