Forum Discussion
2 years agoCommunity Member
Help! Changing States Based on Score Points...
Hello everyone,
I'm seeking advice on how to change the states of an object based on the score points. Currently, I have a 5-star object that I want to change as the learner progresses through a quiz. If they get a question correct, I want them to win a star, and if they get a question wrong, I want them to lose a star.
I've searched for solutions, but haven't been successful so far. Can anyone provide any guidance on how to achieve this? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
(I've attached a very rough draft below, along with some screenshots)
Thanks again!!
3 Replies
- RonPricePartner
Hey Nicole
Here is a quick PEEK at the approach that I would take -
- BrijayFoster-32Community Member
Ron, I am incredibly grateful to you!
I have been struggling with this problem for weeks. Your guidance on removing the excess layers and utilizing the built-in feature to activate the correct/incorrect layer is immensely helpful. Additionally, your suggestions on how to trigger the stars from slide to slide will help me in my future courses. I greatly appreciate it and I am excited to put it into action and make it functional. This is my first time working with Storyline. Thanks for taking the time to help me today :)
- RonPricePartner
Glad I could help - Good luck with the final product.