Forum Discussion

HappilyCreative's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Help with Crossword Puzzle


I am working on a crossword puzzle and am experiencing some issues to get my triggers to work. I set up an "AnswersCorrect" variable in which a value of 1 should be added each time a learner gets the word correct. Then, layers should be triggered according to that value. The only layer that is triggering is the "0 answers correct" layer. And there is a delay with that layer between the two audio files. I want the second audio file to play right after the first and have the group of correct answers come in with it. From what I can see, everything is laid out on the timeline appropriately. I am hoping to have this resolved by Monday morning. Any help will be greatly appreciated!! 

  • SteveGannon's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Holly,

    You have your variable names incorrect in the triggers. You're using an erroneous variable name (e.g., "BudgetB") whereas the variable you should be using (which is assigned to the text entry) is "BUDGET-B". If you replace all of the variable names in the triggers where you're adding 1 to AnswerCorrect to the all-uppercase and hyphenated variable names, it should work. For example, replace "DebitD" with "DEBIT-D".

    • HappilyCreative's avatar
      Community Member

      Alright, I will be taking a look in the morning and give this a try. Thanks so much for taking a look and letting me know how I should be able to get it to work Steve!! Really appreciate it. 

  • SteveGannon's avatar
    Community Member

    Glad that resolved the problem, Holly. Best wishes for success with the project!