Forum Discussion
Layers not showing in crossword puzzle
Hello All!
We are stuck. We have made a crossword puzzle that when complete the user clicks the "Submit" button a slide layer is to show if the answers are correct or not. I can only get one layer to show and cannot figure this out. Anyone with some insight to this is greatly appreciated.
- AshleyChiassonCommunity Member
On initial preview, I entered random letters (incorrect) and did not receive the try again layer. I moved the correct layer trigger up above the try again layer in the trigger panel (using the up/down arrows), and was able to trigger the try again layer.
Unsure about the correct layer as I don't have an answer key for the text entry fields :D - JesseWuCommunity Member
Current determination conditions only take into consideration all correct and all incorrect user inputs. If I enter one or more wrong or blank answer, nothing would happen.
At least change conditions for try again layer from if...and... to if...or... , and then we could start from there to see if any other user stories you need.
- AjmalKhan-c33f5Community Member
Yes, to get try again feedback slide you need to use "Or" condition instead "And"
for correct feedback slide layer "And" condition remain same, because learner need to give correct variables - WaltHamiltonSuper Hero
Just FYI: I use Eclipse Crossword creator. Type in clues and answers, and it does the rest. It makes the puzzle, and checks it. You don’t have to do error checking, or worry about how and when to send this sort of message to the learner. You can publish as html, and add it to SL.
Check a sample here.
- JessicaBentall-Community Member
Interesting! does Eclipse Crossword have an legal barriers or permissions that could cause later issues?