Forum Discussion
Hiding Multiple objects
Hi all
I have a simple tab interaction created with 5 tabs so there are 6 separate objects in total. I don't want any of this to appear until after the user clicks something else so my usual trick is to set as hidden and then change state at the right time. However, as it's six objects I expected to group them together but then the Initial State option (to change to hidden) is greyed out. Any ideas on how I can achieve this please as I guess that creating triggers for all six objects is not quite right?
- WaltHamiltonSuper Hero
Creating six triggers is best practice. It takes a long time to create the first one, but then you copy the trigger, click the next object, and paste the trigger, all of which takes a few seconds.
Unless you want all six objects to appear and disappear always in unison. In that case, you start copy object B, edit the states of object A, and paste object B into the normal state of object A. Repeat until all objects have been pasted onto the normal state of A, at which time they are one object, and can be controlled with one trigger.
Or, you can cover them with a shape that looks like the background. write a trigger to make the shape disappear, and it will make them look like they are appearing.
- AndrewLongsonCommunity Member
Thank you. I have taken some of your ideas to find a solution.
I'm glad that Walt was able to pop in and help you, Andrew.
It looks like your email signature came through when you replied via email. You can remove that if needed by clicking ‘Edit’ beneath your response. Here’s a quick Peek video if you need help.
- AndrewLongsonCommunity Member
Thank you :-)
- WaltHamiltonSuper Hero
You're welcome. PIAWYC (Pass it along when you can).