Forum Discussion
Hotspots not working
Here's an easier method that maintains most of what you have. Judy is right, you can save a lot of heartache by using the built-in superpowers of the Selected state.
What you need to do is set the margins of each text box to 0 on each side. (Right click it, select Format Shape then Text box.) While you are there, choose Resize shape, and just to be safe, deselect Wrap text. That keeps the enclosing shapes from overlapping.
As Judy suggested, space the letters.
If you can get that working, every time you click Check, it will show both Correct and Incorrect layers. That is because Selected, (like all the pre-built states) is considered a Normal state. So Normal is a normal state, Selected is a normal state, Visited is a normal state, etc. Jurgen calls it a bug, but I think the truth is that triggers use normal to distinguish built-in states from custom states. Either way, he's right. Don't check for Normal, check for Selected, as in: Is Selected or Is Not Selected.
I like the appearance of the Selected letters, but I doubt I would ever take the time to create a graphic. I'd just use either colored text, or fill the textbox with a pattern, like the extra letter. I spent a LOT of time adjusting the height, width, and location of the graphics to get them to line up with Normal states of the letters. Even so, they may not be right, because I don't have your font.
Save yourself a lot of time when you are creating states by clicking the button to duplicate Normal. That lines everything up, at least to start.
Check out the sample. I have attached the .story version, so you can look in it and see how I did things.