Forum Discussion

DaniLew-953d1b3's avatar
Community Member
5 months ago

How can users have a say on what features go into the Rise 360 roadmap?

Hi there @Articulatesupport - over the last 3 years, I've noticed a few posts requesting different features to be integrated into Rise 360. Each of these posts seem to have significant support from users (e.g. ability to upload an audio file to a quiz question/knowledge check) but don't seem to be prioritised as elements to be added to the roadmap of enhancements to the software.
I could go into multiple reasons, citing accessibility guidelines, the need to present learning information in different ways to be inclusive in our presentations, but I'm simply going to say that as your customers/consumers, we are asking for things, and you don't seem to be prioritising them.
Let me be clear - I love this software, but it would nice to feel like we are actually being heard, rather than being told our requests are not currently in the pipeline.
May I suggest/request a simple survey asking users what key features we want to see? I appreciate I am not a software developer, and I can only imagine what energy and effort goes into these exciting changes, but I have to say the forum posts requesting new features don't seem to be making a difference when its about requesting a necessary function.

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