
Video Tutorials

Reach 360: Manage Users

The People section of the Manage tab is where you create groups, add learners, and more. Keep reading to learn more.

Manage the User List

The Users tab lists learners, admins, reporters, and managers who've accepted an invitation to train on your Reach 360 site. 

You can search by name or email address with the search bar and filter the results by user role or group. You can also sort the list by when each user was last active with the Last Activity column. Self-registered users are denoted with a Self-Registered tag.

Click Export to download a spreadsheet containing the name, email, last active session, role, and group membership of each user (the exported file will reflect any filters you've applied to the list).

Admins, managers, and reporters are invited via Articulate 360 Teams. Learners are the only type of users you can invite from within Reach 360. 

Learn more about which tasks each type of user can perform in Reach 360 here

Invite Learners

To invite a learner to your organization, click the Add Learners button. Type the email where you want to send a user’s invitation and press Add. Select a group or groups to add them to from the drop-down menu. Alternatively, you can assign all users in the invite list to the same groups using the menu in the upper right.

Keep adding email addresses and choosing roles and groups as needed. Then click Add People to send an email invite to everyone you’ve added. You can also manage your learners with SSO or bulk-import learners with a CSV file. You can also invite new learners when adding members to a group.

Add admins, managers, and reporters from the Articulate 360 Account Management Console.

Manage Pending Users

Once a learner has been invited, you can manage their invitation on the Pending tab. From here you can resend the invitation email or delete them from the list. You can select some or all of your pending invites and resend or delete them in bulk. Self-registered users are denoted with a Self-Registered tag in the Invited by column. 

Once you delete a pending invitation, the user can't use the existing email link to join, you’ll have to invite them again. You can also export the list of pending users to a CSV file.

Modify Users

Once a learner has accepted their invitation, they’re added to the Users tab. Click an entry to change a user’s name, modify their learner profile fields, or manage their group enrollment. Select the edit icon to edit a user’s first or last name.

Add or edit learner profile responses by clicking the edit icon in the Learner Profile section. You must enter values for all required fields to save your changes.

You can also modify manager and reporter assignments.

Add a user to any existing groups by clicking Groups and selecting them from the pop-up window that displays. Quickly remove a user from a group by hovering over a group they belong to and clicking the X.  

Delete Users

Remove a learner by expanding their record, clicking Delete User, and confirming the action. Their activity history remains available on the Reports tab after they've been deleted. 

Delete multiple learners by selecting the checkboxes next to their names, clicking Delete Users, and confirming the action.

Note: Authors and admins can only be deleted via the Articulate 360 Account Management Console.

Bulk Delete Learners

Bulk delete learners by selecting the checkbox at the top of the name column. This selects all user records on the current page. Filter by group and user role if you don't want to select all users in your organization.

To select all users in the current filtered list, not just the users on the current page, click the Select all ## users message, where ## is all user records in the current filter. Click Delete Users and confirm the action.

Updated 5 days ago
Version 5.0