Forum Discussion

AndreeaDemirgia's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

How do Headings work in Articulate for the screen reader?

Hello, e-Learning Heroes. I am a new screen reader user, I have about 9 months of daily using Jaws and NVDA under my belt, but I am considering myself a newbie. I have a question regarding headings in Articulate.  My understanding is that screen readers can navigate a pdf or website from heading to heading by pressing 1, 2, or 3 for each of the respective levels. When I try to do that in articulate it just says "No more Headings level 1 in this section". What is considered a section in Storyline? And for knowledge checks, do you make each question a heading for the same navigation purposes? Thank you so much for all your input. 

  • Hello Andreea,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    Storyline 360 uses text styles to identify text elements as headings, hyperlinks, blockquotes, and paragraphs. Storyline 360 publishes those details as semantic formatting in the source code for your course. Then screen readers announce the text and its semantic formatting to paint a mental picture of the content that sighted users get by looking at the screen.

    To address your inquiry, each screen reader reads feedback a little differently, but the section in the text that you provided most likely refers to the entire slide that you are currently viewing. For Knowledge Checks, you can format your questions to make use of the Heading tag if you'd like the screen reader to read them as such. 

    You can check out this article to know more about Accessible Text Styles in Storyline 360. And here's a helpful article on designing accessible courses: 

    Hope this helps!