Forum Discussion

FrankArcega-fc1's avatar
Community Member
5 months ago

How to change a quiz question to only allow one answer to be selected


I have a quiz set up that allows users to select multiple answers before submitting.  How do I change the setting to allow for only one answer to be selected?  I tried looking up past discussions which suggested I change the "Button Set" but there doesn't appear to be a choice that fixes my issue.  Please help.

  • You can't change a Graded Question from one type to another. If you have a Multiple Response question, and you want it to be Multiple Choice question (or vice versa), create a new question slide of the desired type. 

  • You should be able to add all choices to the "Button set" and designate only one answer as correct. However, I wouldn't use it as an alternative to the Multiple Choice type of question (radio buttons). Checkboxes allow users to select items from a fixed number of alternatives, while radio buttons allow them to choose exactly one item from a list of several predefined alternatives. It could be confusing for anyone interacting with both in knowledge checks or filling out any type of HTML form on the web, as has been experienced in the past. If there's a valid reason or a client requirement, opt for checkboxes. Anyway, I've attached a shortened version of your .story file and modified 10 questions to function as Multiple Choice type questions. They all accurately report their correct or incorrect answers to the result slide as long as one choice is marked correct in the question.