Forum Discussion

DeepakSachdeva-'s avatar
Community Member
3 months ago

Quiz retained value of option selection

If a learner selects an option for a particular question, exits without submitting it, and then relaunches the quiz, the questions appear randomized (as expected). However, the selected option for that question remains retained and appears as already selected in the new randomized sequence. This indicates that bookmarking is also working for the quiz, which is not ideal.

  • Hello Deepak,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    I tested this and can confirm that the behavior is expected. When a learner exits a course while in the middle of answering a question, the bookmarking feature remembers the last selection made on the question block. It does not, however, reveal the correct answer or take away from the learner's ability to change responses. 

    Since you prefer that the question responses not get included in the bookmarking, I opened a feature request on your behalf. Thanks for sharing your feedback, and let me know if you need anything else!