Forum Discussion
6 years agoCommunity Member
How to insert symbol from character map in Rise?
Hi there
Is there any way to insert symbols from a character map into the text even if it's not available in your current font? For instance, I want to insert the windows key symbol from wingdings...
6 years agoCommunity Member
Wingdings is a unique font that won't work with the Lato font.
Rise does not allow inline images either.
Copyright and the Registered symbol exist in most fonts.
If you are using Windows, you can insert them using ALT Codes.
Press and hold the ALT key and then enter the numbers:
- Copyright Alt 0169 ©
- Registered alt 0174 ®
- Trademark Alt 0153 ™
5 years agoCommunity Member
This doesn't work for me. I don't get anything.
- KarlMuller5 years agoCommunity Member
This is the important part:
Press and hold the ALT key and then enter the numbers:
Once you have entered the numbers let the ALT KEY go and then the symbol will appear.
- michelepatla4 years agoCommunity Member
Hello, I have tried holding down the ALT key and entering the number code but the copyright "R" is still not appearing....hmmmm.
- KarlMuller4 years agoCommunity Member
Hi Michele,
If you are using a full-sized keyboard, use the numeric key-pad on the right to enter the numbers.