Forum Discussion
How to make cursor go to magnifying glass
Hi, is there an article somewhere on how to make the magnifying glass that you see in the webinars where when your cursor moves to an item like in the menu bar on the screen it shows that area magnified inside the glass? Sorry if this is redundant super new to Storyline.
- McgemMinocCommunity Member
Hello Marie,
Welcome to Heroes!
Storyline360 currently does not have a magnifying tool that we can add to our slides allowing learners to zoom in on any part of the slide freely. This has been in the community discussions for some time and many users are requesting this particular functionality to be added in Storyline, you can check out the discussion here. I encourage you to submit a feature request to Articulate as well and provide feedback to the development team.
If it's about accessibility, Storyline's Modern Player Zoom allows desktop learners to make use of their browser's zoom settings. You can read more about the topic here.
If concerning course presentation, Storyline's 'Zoom Region' function is available. This function allows you to create a close-up view of a portion of your slide at any given time in your course. A detailed user guide is available here Storyline 360: Adding Zoom Regions as well as a video demo.
Lastly, we can emulate a 'magnifying effect' with the use of Storyline's built-in triggers and hotspots. This allows for an interactive way for learners to get a zoomed-in part of a slide. I have attached a sample .story file to give you an idea, what happens here is that a new layer (close-up image) will show when the cursor hovers over the image in the base layer. I learned this from a screen demo from the community.
I hope this helps, and please let me know if you have any questions.