Forum Discussion

MateuszSzuter-e's avatar
Community Member
9 months ago

How to manage in-course file embedding by multiple team members?

Hi there,

Looking for an inspiration, maybe someone have already solved the case and have some solution ;)

Sometimes we add extra files to the course, some guide or document in .pdf. We don't have server that will be accessible for all people in organization, so we are embedding files into course so everyone can easily download it. 

However, we work as a team, so sometimes I end making corrections to course not made on my computer. As you know, when you use "Open url/file", Storyline uses absolute path to local drive, like C:/Users/User1/File.pdf. This is ok when you are single developer, but when you work in a team, you end with necessity to manually adjust all those paths to User2.

So, is there a way, beside network drive (you know, someone forget to connect, etc.) to make it team-friendly? I was hoping that environmental variables would work (%HOMEPATH% for example), but unfortunately, storyline doesn't recognize them and doesn't embed the file.

We are all using OneDrive, but providing link to OneDrive points to our team channel which, once again, isn't accessible to the all people.

Storyline team - several users already rised similiar concept of storing such files inside media library. Maybe the time has come? ;)

Thanks for all the ideas!


  • Hi Mateusz,

    Thanks for sharing a detailed description of your requirements! I understand how storing other file formats in the Media Library can be helpful for you and your organization. You mentioned that uploading the file as a Resource link does not apply to your use case.

    Submitting a feature request to our product team is a smart move. We have received your request, and we love hearing your suggestions. In the meantime, please check out this article on how we manage feature requests.

    I'm opening the floor to our community members who have similar requirements and may have come up with a workaround that works for them.