Forum Discussion

TedKinsman's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

How to post a large file to Amazon Kindle?

Greetings and thanks for any help you can offer.

I have a large Storyline 360 HTML5 video file that I am trying to add to Kindle and cannot figure out how to do it. When I publish the course for Web and use WeTransfer (for example)to send the file to myself, the entire course files are in the download. In order to open it,  I have to locate the Story.html file and click on it to open. (WeTransfer says the entire download files are 188.4 MB).

This is obviously unacceptable for two reasons: 1) all my course files are available  and could easily be copied and 2) no one on Kindle is going to download a large group of files and then have to find the story.html file and click on it. 

Is there some way to send just the story.html file for my customers without exposing the entirety of my files? Or is there some other way to do this?

I know I could publish it as a video, but then the interactivity is lost. I have queried the IT guy from my company (this is a personal endeavor) and he is at a loss as to how to do it.

I purchased a shared hosting site with GoDaddy and loaded the course in FileZilla but have been unable to figure out the coding needed to link it. But, that isn't exactly what I want to do anyway as I am not trying to drive customers to a website, I just want to place a link in Kindle that will allow them to download the executable course.


To summarize: I want to provide a link to my Kindle customers that will allow them to easily download the course without exposing all my files and without asking them to locate a file within a bunch of files to then click on it...

Any suggestions would be most appreciated! Thanks, Ted  

  • If you want it to be downloadable to a kindle or device then ideally you package it as an app. Otherwise you need to send the entire package or host online

  • TedKinsman's avatar
    Community Member

    Thank you, but I don't understand. All I know is how to build a good course. I don't know how to package it as an app. I don't know how to host online and I cannot believe Articulate 360 would require me to expose all my files to a download. Nor can I imagine that a Kindle user would be expected to download all those files and then sort through them to try and find the story.html file to execute. 

    I am sorry, but this just doesn't make sense to me. Again, I am grateful for the response, but I just don't get it.

    Is there someone I can hire to do this for me? Would I look for a developer? My company's IT guy is really savvy, but he was at a loss as to how to make this work. 

    I spent 9 months building this course and now it seems like it is impossible to distribute securely.  

    Again, thanks for your response, but I need really clear, step by step instructions. Or I need to hire someone that can do it for me. I am exhausted trying to figure this out. Can anyone help?

    • TedKinsman's avatar
      Community Member

      Do you know anyone in the community that does that?

      Sent from my iPhone

  • The Storyline output doesn't really package well as an App and you will need to go through the app store process. But the storyline package requires all of the files to run. 

    BOth Storyline and Rise are designed for web delivery and not to be run locally via a device, if you want it to run locally then you may need to look at different software, Is there a reason why you need it local vs via the web?


    • TedKinsman's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Phil, thanks for sticking with me.
      I just want to upload my course to Kindle, have the customers be able to pay (through Kindle), click on a link and download the course (through Kindle). If the only way they can get the course is to download the entire set of files and somehow find the story