Forum Discussion

JeroenVerhoeckx's avatar
Community Member
4 months ago

How to remove the emboss effect in a dial?

Hello Storyline developers,

Does anybody know how you can remove the emboss effect in the dials, without using a picture of a circle?

Emboss effects are so nineties ;-)!


Other things I notice when working with dials:

* When you remove the border, the border gets darker (?).

* The default slider has a shadow, but when you go to Shape Effect -> Shadow no shadow effect is selected.

* I had a situation in which I selected 'no gradient's and the dials went black (?)

  • I've played around with the "No gradient" setting. It is weird. But by reassigning the fill color, I was able to get a plain dial: 

    For complete (and less frustrating) customization, though, I suggest inserting a picture of the dial you want. Then select it, and use the Convert to Dial function:

    • JeroenVerhoeckx's avatar
      Community Member

      Ah, okay, so I have to remove the gradient and after that reassign the fill colour and then it should work. I will try that out :-)!

  • "without using a picture"  are you saying you do not want to use a custom dial?

    . . .  you want the provided one to look different?

  • Hello Ron,

    I just want a white circle with a minimum border (flat design). That's it, nothing more ;-)!

    • JeroenVerhoeckx's avatar
      Community Member

      That would of course work, but for just wanting to have a plain circle that would be a little overdone. And another point, is that if you want to change, for example, the border colour, you have to create a new circle/image first. That can become a drag if you want to experiment with different colours.