Forum Discussion

LanguageSupport's avatar
Community Member
18 hours ago

How to track if users refreshed and resumed the course?

Hi really need your help here!! I need to develop a course where users listen to a recording and then do a test, and the audio should only be played ONCE. I can set this up but whenever users refresh the page to resume, they can click on the audio again even if they already clicked the audio before. How can i make sure when users resumed, they can't play again?

  • Nedim's avatar
    Community Member

    It’s difficult to provide specific guidance without seeing your setup. Could you please upload a simplified version of your project? Are you trying to hide the button that plays the audio, or are you looking to prevent the audio from playing automatically when the course is resumed?

    Possible solution:

    Create a variable named 'resumed' with a value of 'NO'. In this scenario, the audio will not play again after the course is resumed. Attached is a short video demonstration.